New work at the Whitney Museum Store

23 Nov 2010, Posted by jimdamato in News

We are pleased to announce that new Jim D’Amato silkscreen prints are available at the Whitney Museum Store.

Available in the store’s Art-o-Mat machine, these micro sized prints continue Jim’s exploration of biomorphic, spatial abstraction.

Each of the prints is a limited edition of 50, and is available exclusively through Art-o-Mat. The works were inspired by earlier pieces, which are currently available in the Jim D’Amato online store.

Art-o-Mat is a truly unique organization that refurbishes cigarette vending machines, and replaces their contents with works of art. Art-o-Mat has been featured on ABC World News, CBS News, and more.

For more information go to:

The Whitney Museum of American Art

945 Madison Ave at 75th Street.

New York, NY 10021
